Dos & Donts
Following acts are strictly prohibited. Defaulters will be dealt in accordance with the college rules.
- Students must attend college in proper uniform.
- Late comers are not allowed to enter the college premises after the reporting time.
- No political activity is allowed in the college.
- Using unfair means in examinations/test, cheating, stealing, quarrelling, using foul language, telling lies, rowdyism and misconduct of any type including instances of moral turpitude.
- Smoking, possessing intoxicants, unauthorized medicines, material, bringing fireworks, knives or other weapons and firearms of any type within the college premises.
- Bringing pets, record players, mobile phones, radios of any sort to the college.
- Direct or indirect participation/involvement in any political or sectarian activity.
- Deliberately disfiguring, defacing or willfully damaging college property.
- Lending or borrowing money, betting and gambling.
- Violation of College rules enforced from time to time.
- Use of mobile phone is prohibited in the college.