Rules & Regulations
Students need to adhere following rules and regulations whilst in the campus.
General Outlook: Students must attend campus in proper & tidy uniform with polished shoes, trimmed nails and proper hairdo. Jewelry or other ornaments are not allowed in the campus.
Discipline: The students must demonstrate a high standard of discipline. There will be no compromise on this aspect. The Principal can expel any student from the DHACSS SKBZ Campus if he has committed an act amounting to gross indiscipline.
Student Leaves: In case of emergency or sickness, an application is to be submitted to the Principal in time. In case of willful absence without permission, a prescribed fine per day is levied. Leave can also be applied on Campus Portal IEMS.
Punctuality: The college abides by values and principles of punctuality. The gates of the SKBZ Campus are closed at 0800 hours for students. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the campus. 75% Attendance is essential for promotion to next class.
Students Pick-up: Children are only released to the parent(s) or other persons authorized by the parent. On time arrival is a school readiness skill. If you have extenuating circumstances, please see administration to discuss in advance
Mobbing: No political activity/grouping is allowed in the campus.
Instructions for Students (Following are strictly prohibited)
- Using unfair means in examinations/ tests. Cheating, quarreling, use of foul language, lying and misconduct of any type including instances of moral turpitude.
- Possessing intoxicants, unauthorized medicine, smoking, bringing fireworks, knives or other weapons of any type within the school’s premises.
- Bringing pets, record players, mobile phones, radios of any sort to the campus.
- Participating directly or indirectly in any political activity.
- Deliberately disfiguring or damaging campus property.
- Lending or borrowing money betting and gambling.
- Violating campus rules enforced from time to time.